DCJ Legal (Legal) provides advice to agencies within the NSW Department of Communities and Justice. Legal’s leadership role within the Department, and the State Government, ensures services provided to the NSW Attorney General are of an appropriate quality to address matters of complexity, sensitivity, and critical importance.
The Inquiries and Representation team that sits within DCJ Legal seeks assistance.
The Request For Tender (RFT) aims to establish a legal panel for Inquiries and Representation. The Department will divide the Inquiries and Representation Legal Services Panel into two segments to establish a broader selection of junior counsel and solicitors with expertise in specific areas of law.
To support the Department, junior counsel in Segment 1 will:
· represent the Commissioner of Corrective Services NSW in death in custody inquests
· represent Youth Justice NSW in inquests and inquiries
· represent Communities in inquests
· represent the Department in other inquiries such as Special Commissions of Inquiry, Royal Commissions of Inquiry, and Independent Commission Against Corruption inquiries
· assist with fraud prosecutions
· assist the Anti-Discrimination Board/Australian Human Rights Commission
· assist with tenancy and housing matters.
The Segment 2 junior counsel or solicitor will represent witnesses before investigative bodies, including:
· applications under s 52 of the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988
· applications under s 77 of the Law Enforcement Conduct Commission Act 2016
· applications under s 42 of the Crime Commission Act 2012.
DCJ Legal staff understand the structure, operating processes, and procedures of the Department and have a detailed understanding of ministerial and departmental policy.
Access and response to this tender opportunity is via the Department’s end-to-end procurement system, Procurement Central, only. The Department will not consider any submission lodged outside Procurement Central. To participate in the tender opportunity, register at https://justice.bravosolution.com/web/login.html.
The closing date for responses is 11am on 15 March 2023.
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