This Week in Government Tenders

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This Week’s Highlight: Music Industry Economic Analysis

Creative Australia is the Australian Government’s arts investment and advisory body, established in 1968. Their services include investments and grants in creative projects and programs, training, mentoring, marketing, research, and advocacy. Within Creative Australia, Music Australia is a dedicated new body which supports the Australian contemporary music industry.

Through a request for tender (RFT), Creative Australia requires the services of a consultant to provide an economic analysis of the Australian music industry, measuring how much value it contributes to the economy.


The study will: 

  • Define the economic activities that make up the core Australian music industry, in consultation with Creative Australia and other relevant stakeholders. 
  • Identify relevant statistical, financial, and employment information for the defined activities.
  • Draw on the identified information to measure, analyze, and report on: 
    • The music industry’s contribution to the Australian economy;
    • The direct contribution of the music industry to employment; and:
    • The value of Australian music exports
  • Present the findings in a written report.
  • Note any data collection challenges and recommend future data collections.

To be eligible for this tender, applicants must be able to commence work on the 3rd of June 2024 and hold insurances as specified by Creative Australia.


Creative Australia will evaluate Tenderers based on the following criteria: 

  • Demonstrated knowledge and understanding of: 
    • Economic analysis and modelling 
    • The Music (or similar) Industry 
  • Proposed methodology 
  • Value for money 

There will be no
industry briefing, however Creative Australia accepts enquiries from potential tenderers.

The closing time and date for responses will remain open until the 10th of May 2024. 

If you are after further advice on this topic or any tender opportunity, feel free to contact us. You can also subscribe to this newsletter for regular weekly updates.

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