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This Week’s Highlight: Tax Gap Program Advisory Group.

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) is responsible for administering the Australian federal taxation system, acting as the principal revenue collection agency of the Australian Government.

Through a Request for Tender (RFT), the ATO is seeking individual experts who are respected in their field to form the ATO’s Tax Gap Program Advisory Group, providing advice to the ATO on the estimation of Tax Gaps.

Tax gaps are an estimation of the difference between what the ATO expects to collect in taxation and the amount that would have been collected if every taxpayer was fully compliant with the law.

Tax gaps are a lag indicator, measuring the performance of the tax system in the past. According to the ATO, the latest tax gap shows that for 2020-2021, they received $496 billion or 93 percent of the $533 billion expected if everyone was fully compliant with tax law.

Members of the panel will be required to provide:

  • Advice on strategies for delivery of a holistic tax gap program.
  • Review methodologies to ensure credibility and reliability of estimates.
  • Advice on statistical methods and process including alternative approaches that represent a better use of resources.
  • Insights on international compatibility.
  • Assessment and endorsement of results for presentation to the ATO executive.

Experts should have at least 10 years’ experience in areas such as tax gap measurement, econometrics, economics, statistics, forecasting, and tax administration.

Panel members will be required to attend panel meetings, provide impartial and objective advice on matters discussed, provide independent technical advice, consider matters issued by the ATO, and deliver services directly (no proxies or sub-contracting).

The closing time and date for responses will remain open until the 1 July 2024. 

If you are after further advice on this topic or any tender opportunity, feel free to contact us. You can also subscribe to this newsletter for regular weekly updates.

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