The Department of Industry, Science, and Resources (the Department) aims to grow innovative and competitive businesses, industries, and regions. It invests in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and strengthens the resources sector.
To support their workforce, the Department has issued two separate Request for Tenders, seeking comprehensive Project Management training services, and Communication (writing) services. These training services are aimed to enhance the skills and capabilities of the Department’s staff in line with the Australian Public Service (APS) craft framework. The training should align with the APS Code of Conduct and support the strategic goals of the APS.
The selected provider will be responsible for designing, developing, and delivering the required training packages.
Under the communication (writing) services tender, the following training packages are required:
- General writing skill
- Report writing
- Policy writing
- Government Writing
- Writing Influential Documents and Briefs
- Writing Compelling Correspondence – emails and letters
- English as a second language
Under the project management training services tender, the following training packages are required:
- Project Management Foundation
- Stakeholder Management
- Change Management
- Project Monitoring and Controlling
- Design Thinking
- Risk Management
- Project Governance
- Project Evaluation
- Project Budgeting
- Benefit Realisation
- Project Scheduling
- Project Resourcing
For both opportunities, the Supplier must provide quarterly progress reports on sessions conducted, attendance, participant and general feedback.
The closing time and date for responses will remain open until the 23rd of September 2024.
If you are after further advice on this topic or any tender opportunity, feel free to contact us. You can also subscribe to this newsletter for regular weekly updates.