The Queensland Ambulance Service has a Triple Zero (000) telephone and contact centre platform, handling over 1 million emergency and non-emergency calls per year and operating from multiple locations.
QAS is seeking Expressions of Interest (EOI) to procure a new telephony and contact centre system to replace the existing, end-of-life components and transition to an ‘As-a-Service’ model.
The new system must:
- Improve business continuity with updated HA and DR capabilities.
- Enhance SLA availability from 99.9% to 99.999%.
- Improve functionality and integration with existing systems, including Telstra.
- Provide better functionality and visibility of calls from Telstra.
- Identify the next available QAS Emergency Medical Dispatcher (EMD).
- Offer more detailed Caller Line Identification (CLI) data.
- Integrate CLI data with the QAS CAD environment.
- Integrate with QAS Workforce Management (WFM) application.
- Automate log in/off for EMDs.
- Improve capability and status settings.
- Provide additional business and performance reporting.
- Support current and future business needs.
- Maintain supportability to an N-1 level.
Submissions will be evaluated based on:
- Company background and experience
- High-level solution approach
integration and scalability capabilities - Regulatory compliance and security
- Project approach
- Support and Service delivery model
- Innovation and Future proofing
- Pricing model
- Local business support
The closing time and date for responses will remain open until the 19 September 2024.
If you are after further advice on this topic or any tender opportunity, feel free to contact us. You can also subscribe to this newsletter for regular weekly updates.